Shop The Silver Buffalo
A Love Passed On
Years ago, while sitting around the table with my husband's grandmother she brought out her personal turquoise collection. As we made our way through her turquoise trunks she doted on a few of her favorite pieces, telling stories about where and how they were acquired. At one point, she let me try on her beloved squash blossom necklace and from that day forward my passion for Native American and Southwest Jewelry ignited.

About The Silver Buffalo
Ashley L. Greer - Owner & Operator
Born and raised in Wyoming, I have a strong passion for western art and design, fashion, and living. I firmly believe there is no sweeter sound than that of meadowlarks singing on a crisp Wyoming morning, there is no such thing as "too much" turquoise, and if you are going to regret it, you better buy it!
The Silver Buffalo strives to offer quality turquoise and silver jewelry with a majority of our jewelry being sourced straight from the maker.
I cannot wait to help you find one of a kind pieces for yourself and your loved ones.